Leaves are blowing September is here

Published on: September 23, 2015

I love it.

I get to start a fire now in the fireplace at Seattlerevival.com and that is so cool. How cool is it to worship Jesus with a fire blasting away and smoke blowing into the rainy September wind!

September is a new start for me. I want to minister to haunting people. Thirsty people. Starving people.

Do any of you ever know what it’s like to put lot’s of your personal time and energy into people bringing them to church to only have them backslide and not want to know Jesus? For the past several years I have spent months of my life trying to “baby” people at care group by always reminding them to come to bible study and or having to provide favors to “lure” them to come to church.

Do these people sound familiar?

While it’s a charge of all Christians to spread the gospel, we need to teach and minister to those that “want” Jesus and not so much the ones that we have to work at as if we are “maintaining” life support. This September I make a pledge to go after the starving and the thirsty and not waste time anymore with “luke warm”.

We don’t have lot’s of time, and I want to spread the love of Jesus to this generation. Spreading it in Seattle is hard enough, so please Lord send me the thirsty.

